Gastronauten Limited (GL)
Gastronuaten Limited (GL) is a service company duly registered in the UK with Registration number 13804110. GL currently operates a service branch, Gastronauten Services (GS) in Germany. Gastronauten Services is established to cater for the ever expanding business needs of our valued clients in Germany.
Our Experience and Qualification
We have over 20years combined industry experience. Through our professional work history and experience, we have obtained certificates and associated certificates in the service industry. With BBS safety pass and relevant approvals, we are well positioned to render bespoke excellent service to all our clients.

Our Services
We specialize in the maintenance, repairs and service of commercial kitchenware equipment in the catering and professional food industry. We also offer installation, commissioning, inspections, and consultancy services for all Gastro-Norm equipment to high-end consumers. Some of the equipment we work with include;

Walk-in Freezers

Grocery Stores Cooling Units

Ice Machines


Steamer Combi Ovens

Quick Toasters

Air-conditioning equipment


Proof Cabinets

Cutting Machines

Beverage Machines
And many more…
Our Team
Our team consists of technical specialist, business professionals and customer service specialist. With excellent management and technical skills, our team assists our clients in all stages of their business needs. Through our long standing experience and strong ties in the industry, our clients’ are always assured of excellent service delivery.
Our Mission
At Gastronauten Services, our mission is to remain the number one choice in the industry by offering unique and customer satisfactory services at all time.
Our Core Value
Efficiency: We seek to deliver on expectations at all times.
Trust: We seek to act in a way that invokes trust and confidence of all stakeholders. We will provide informed consultancy and support to all our clients and we will maintain utmost transparency at all times.
Ethical: We will ensure that within our professional relationships, we act honestly and fairly. We will respect the dignity, diversity, and rights of individuals and groups we associate with.


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2022 © All rights reserved by Gastronauten Limited.